Saturday, May 22, 2021

UNIT PROFILES: Avellar Guards


The Avellar Guards is the elite BattleMech unit of Outworlds Alliance and the only one to deploy Heavy and Assault Mechs, most of them relics from Star League era, forming two full-strength battalions. The second battalion has a full lance of Urbanmechs dedicated to urban warfare. The infantry platoons are usually motorized and equipped with towed autocannons.

The Guards spend most of the time in the capital (Alpheratz) and are seldom deployed elsewhere.

Avellar Guards   Maurice Avellar   
1st Battalion   Douglas Carmichael   Alpheratz
   1st company - Veteran   
   2nd company - Veteran   
   3rd company  - Regular   
2nd Battalion   Ngo Shu   Alpheratz
   1st company - Veteran   
   2nd company - Regular   
   3rd company  - Regular

(the below order of battle by 3025 includes the replacements done after the Merlin Heavy BattleMech was introduced) 

First Battalion


1st lance Elite
LGB-0W Longbow [85]
BNC-3E Banshee [95]
STK-4N Stalker [85]
AWS-8Q Awesome [80]

2nd lance Veteran
STK-4N Stalker [85]
BNC-3E Banshee [95]
WHM-6R Warhammer [70]
SHD-2H Shadow Hawk [55]  MLN-1A Merlin [60]

3rd lance Veteran
PXH-1 Phoenix Hawk [45]
STG-3R Stinger [20]
WSP-1A Wasp [20]
LCT-1V Locust [20]


1st lance Veteran
STK-4N Stalker [85]
CRD-3R Crusader [65]
WHM-6R Warhammer [70]
RFL-3N Rifleman [60]  MLN-1A Merlin [60]

2nd lance Regular
ARC-2R Archer [70]
TDR-5S Thunderbolt [65]
RFL-3N Rifleman [60]
SHD-2H Shadow Hawk [55]

3rd lance Regular
LCT-1V Locust [20]
STG-3R Stinger [20]
WSP-1A Wasp [20]
LCT-1V Locust [20]


1st lance Veteran
STK-4N Stalker [85]
WHM-6R Warhammer [70]
CRD-3R Crusader [65]
RFL-3N Rifleman [60]  MLN-1A Merlin [60]

2nd lance Regular
ARC-2R Archer [70]
JVN-10N Javelin [30]
LCT-1V Locust [20]  MLN-1A Merlin [60]
SHD-2H Shadow Hawk [55]

3rd lance Regular
LCT-1V Locust [20]
STG-3R Stinger [20]
WSP-1A Wasp [20]
LCT-1V Locust [20]

Infantry support:

12 Elite Infantry platoons in 12 Maxim Hovercraft Transports
24 Veteran Infantry platoons in 12 Heavy Hover APCs (2 squad in each)

Second Batallion


1st lance Veteran
ARC-2R Archer [70]
TDR-5S Thunderbolt [65]
CRD-3R Crusader [65]
WVR-6R Wolverine [55]  MLN-1A Merlin [60]

2nd lance Veteran
TDR-5S Thunderbolt [65]
RFL-3N Rifleman [60]
JVN-10N Javelin [30]  MLN-1A Merlin [60]
SHD-2H Shadow Hawk [55]

3rd lance Regular
PXH-1 Phoenix Hawk [45]
STG-3R Stinger [20]
WSP-1A Wasp [20]
LCT-1V Locust [20]


1st lance Regular
WVR-6R Wolverine [55]
STG-3R Stinger [20]  RFL-3N Rifleman [60]
WSP-1A Wasp [20] MLN-1A Merlin [60]
LCT-1V Locust [20]  JVN-10N Javelin [30] 

2nd lance Regular
SHD-2H Shadow Hawk [55]  
STG-3R Stinger [20]  MLN-1A Merlin [60]
WSP-1A Wasp [20]  RFL-3N Rifleman [60]
LCT-1V Locust [20]  

3rd lance Regular
LCT-1V Locust [20]
STG-3R Stinger [20]
WSP-1A Wasp [20]
LCT-1V Locust [20]


1st lance Veteran
UM-R60 Urbanmech [30]
UM-R60 Urbanmech [30]
UM-R60 Urbanmech [30]
UM-R60 Urbanmech [30]

2nd lance Regular
SHD-2H Shadow Hawk [55]
STG-3R Stinger [20]
WSP-1A Wasp [20]
LCT-1V Locust [20]

3rd lance Regular
LCT-1V Locust [20]
STG-3R Stinger [20]
WSP-1A Wasp [20]
LCT-1V Locust [20]

Infantry Support:

36 infantry platoons in 18 Heavy Tracked APCs

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